bostjan debelak architect

bostjan debelak architect

BOŠTJAN DEBELAK +/-100 arhitektura

bostjan debelak hisa skica

druge hiše / other houses

koncept / concept

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hiša atelje debelak

hiša Turn / A Tower House




bostjan debelak arhitekt hise

foto: B.Debelak



aksonometrija, ročna risba


bostjan debelak hisa atelje
arhitektura hisa atelje debelak
arhitektura hisa atelje debelak
arhitektura hisa atelje debelak
arhitektura hisa atelje debelak

Hiša je bila načrtovana kmalu po zaključku študija arhitekture, leta 1991, za lastno uporabo (99m2) in zgrajena na precej ozkem zemljišču (74m2), ter z denarjem od prodane družinske garsonjere (24m2). Torej sam svoj prvi naročnik in arhitekt v eni osebi. Stavba je tako prva v seriji malih poceni hiš, grajenih na omejenih lokacijah in zgrajenih za primerljivo vsoto majhnega enosobnega blokovskega stanovanja, kar je s časom preraslo v koncept arhitekturnega ustvarjanja. Po vseh letih uporabe do danes kot načrtovalec še vedno ne bi spreminjal skoraj ničesar. Ozko zemljišče je pogojevalo notranjo širino hiše samo 3,1m, zato se odprti dolgi prostori kot funkcionalne enote nizajo skozi 4 etaže. Posamezni prostori po etažah se tudi ločujejo funkcionalno in ne fizično. Osrednji bivalni del je enako dolg kot visok, celotna južna stran pa preko okna po vsej površini zajema sonce za ogrevanje cele hiše pozimi. Poletno pregrevanje naravno preprečuje ohranjeno 50 let staro drevo. Hiša je obraščena s trto-plezalko, kar ščiti fasado in ji omogoča "kameleonsko" preobrazbo skozi letne čase v različni barvi listja ali pa samo teksturi vej. Ves les stavbnega pohištva (smreka) je brez vseh premazov in še vedno brez znakov propadanja.


Boštjan Debelak


The house was planned shortly after the completion of the study of architecture, in 1991, for its own use (99m2) and built on fairly narrow land (74m2), and with money from the sold studio apartment (24m2). So I am my first client and architect in one person. The building is thus the first in a series of small, low-cost houses built in confined locations and built for a comparable sum of a small one-bedroom block of flats, which over time has grown into a concept of work and a major creative direction. After all my years of use to this day as a planner, I would still change almost nothing. The narrow land conditioned the internal width of the house only 3.1m, so open long spaces as functional units are lowered through 4 floors. Individual rooms by floors are also separated functionally rather than physically. The central living area is the same length as the high, and the entire south side, through the window, covers the entire sunshine throughout the winter for heating the whole house. Summer overheating naturally prevents a 50-year-old tree from being preserved. The entire envelope of the building is intertwined with a vine-climber, which protects the facade and gives it a "chameleon" transformation through the seasons in different leaf color and branch texture. All the wood of the joinery (spruce) is devoid of any coatings and still shows no signs of deterioration.


© 2021 Bostjan Debelak

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