bostjan debelak architect
bostjan debelak architect
BOŠTJAN DEBELAK +/-100 arhitektura
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
foto: Aleš Fevžer
hiša Drevo
3D model P
hiša Drevo
3D model galerija
hiša Drevo
foto: BD; lokacija
1 / 116
leto načrtovanja: 2012-2020
izvedba: 2022
lokacija: Šenturška Gora
Stavba, ki je po namembnosti opazovalnica, ima vse atribute funkcionalne enote z vso notranjo infrastrukturo, ki nudi udobno bivanje na višini krošenj dreves za dve osebi. Iz hiše je tako možno opazovati naravo iz druge perspektive in imeti ob tem veličastne poglede daleč v daljavo, v hiši pa ob tem opaziti svoj notranji mir in elemantarna občutja.
Zgradba stoji na robu gozda sredi brega na visokem lesenem stebrovju, ki s prepletanjem tramov posnema oblike drevesnih debel z vejevjem, katero na vrhu objema in drži zaprti volumen (sestavljen iz masivnih lesenih križno lepljenih plošč) na nivoju vrhov okoliških dreves. Notranjost je enoprostorska in zajema spalni del na zgornjem podestu galerije, spodaj pa je bivalni del z integrirano tuš kabino in ločenimi sanitarijami. V hišo se vstopi po železnih mrežnih stopnicah skozi navzven nagnjena vrata (s tem tvorijo napušč nad vhodom), ki se odpirajo in zapirajo navznoter z gravitacijskim mehanizmom iz vitlov, jeklenice in uteži. Pogled v dolino se razteza skozi visoko izpahnjeno okno, ki služi kot klop za posedanje in z odprtimi krili lovljenju eteričnih vonjav. Majhna in 8m visoka hiša ki meri precej skromnih 7m2 neto (z dodatnim podestom galerije 3,5m2) namreč stoji na posestvu, kjer se goji in pripravlja zelišča, po njem pa se pasejo jeleni.
Boštjan Debelak
planning year: 2012-2020
implementation: 2022
location: Šenturška Gora
The building, which is intended as an observatory, has all the attributes of a functional unit with all the internal infrastructure that offers a comfortable stay at the height of the treetops for two people. From the house, it is thus possible to observe nature from a different perspective and at the same time have magnificent views far into the distance, and at the same time notice your inner peace and elemental feelings in the house.
The building stands on the edge of the forest in the middle of the bank on a tall wooden column, which, by intertwining beams, imitates the shapes of tree trunks with branches, which at the top embrace and hold the closed volume (consisting of massive wooden cross-glued panels) at the level of the tops of the surrounding trees. The interior is one-room and includes the sleeping area on the upper landing of the gallery, while the living area with an integrated shower cabin and separate toilets is located below. The house is entered by an iron mesh staircase through an outward-sloping door (thereby forming a cornice above the entrance), which opens and closes inward with a gravity mechanism made of winches, steel cables and weights. The view of the valley extends through a high window, which serves as a bench for sitting and catching ethereal scents with open wings. The small and 8m high house, which measures a rather modest 7m2 net (with an additional gallery platform of 3.5m2), stands on a property where herbs are grown and prepared, and deer graze on it.
© 2022 Bostjan Debelak
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